How is your mental health?

Hey Hun, I want to ask you, how is your mental health?


As we are all navigating this new world enduring the anxiety that COVID-19 brought forth, we are spending more time at home, more time connected to devices, our trips have been canceled and summer is looking a lot different than what we were dreaming of in the dead of winter. 


And currently, as society exploded exposing the suffering of the BIPOC communities and racial disparities of our current justice system we now have the opportunity to create a depth of compassion for humanity in a way that has yet to exist.


This is a lot for our brains and bodies to process. So, I’ll ask you again, how is your mental health?


I want to make sure you're okay.


I know my moods and emotions have been on a roller coaster ride as I’ve been discovering this uncharted territory and reflecting on my life, my white privilege and how I can sustain being anti-racist for the long haul. If you’ve been unlearning, re-educating, amplifying voices of the BIPOC communities, protesting in the streets or staying quiet in your home to process -- please know that there is no right or wrong way to feel right now.


I want you to know you are not alone.


Feeling grounded and connected to your body during these times are integral to your mental health. Here are ways that I practice mindfulness daily and I hope they inspire you to feel good from the inside out so you can continue to raise awareness surrounding social injustices and commit to being the best human you can be for the entirety of your life.


  1. Commit to a morning routine. Think of it as “you” time. For you and only you. It’s selfcare at its finest and doesn’t need to look like anything in particular as long as you feel good doing it. If you want a sneak peak of my morning routine check this video out (link to IGTV here with my morning routine video). 

  2. Sweat daily, click here to workout with me on my fitness app

  3. Dedicate time alone for prayer and meditation. This can be added to your morning routine too or insert it at any point during your day where you need a breather. A quick prayer I say daily, “God give me the words to speak, the ears to hear and the wisdom to know what you want me to do.” 

  4. Practice gratitude with this journal

  5. Personal development, click here for my favorite books that have advanced my spiritual growth

I hope these tips help you to take some time for you, assess where you are mentally, and to just be ok with exactly where you are at. Feel it out. Sit with it. Let the wisdom and lessons unfold.


Embodying Self-Love w/ fASHionably fit


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